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(Scientific Association - Registered Office - Avenue de la Renaissance 30, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
A member Scientific Associate of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)
President: Dr M-G Barthes-Labrousse (France), Secretary General: Dr. William Westwood (Canada), Treasurer: Dipl.-Ing.: Hartmut Wahl (Switzerland)

Edited by L. Westerberg                                                                                                                                                                       
The Svedberg Laboratory, Box 533, S-751, Uppsala, Sweden  
                                                     No. 150, July - December 2001
Associate Editor: Dr M-G Barthes-Labrousse                                                                                                                                           

This is the first IUVSTA News Bulletin of the new triennium, 2001 -2004. Click here for 8 photographs taken at General Meeting 14 in San Francisco.

President's First Message

This is the first message from the new President, Marie-Geneviève Barthés-Labrousse.

A Message from the Past President

This is a message from the Past President, Professor D. Phillip Woodruff.

IUVSTA Activities

Click here to obtain an overview of the activities of IUVSTA during the latest six months. There is a report on ECM-88 and ECM-89 as well as the 14th General Meeting of IUVSTA, all held in San Francisco in connection with the IVC-15/ICCS-11 congress. Delegations from the National Vacuum Societies, which comprise the membership of IUVSTA, heard reports of the Union's activities during the past triennium, and elected the new Officers, ratified the new Councillors and approved the proposed budget and plan of activities for the next triennium.

In addition to the general report on the meeting, you find here links to the following reports given at the General Meeting by: The retiring President; The incoming President; The Secretary General; The Scientific Director and the chairs of these Divisions: ASSD, EMPD, and SSD. The work of all the Divisions is highlighted in the report of the Scientific Director.

2002 Welch Scholarship Winner

The winner of the 2002 Welch Scholarship is Muhammad R. Tawalbeh from the Jordan University of Science and Technology.  He is studying Diamond-like Film Deposition and Characterization, using a newly developed Arc Ion Plating Source, at McGill University in Canada, under the supervision of Professor Jean-Luc Meunier.

International Vacuum Congress IVC-16/ICSS-12

This congress will be organized in Venice, Italy 28 June – 2 July 2004. The local host is the Italian Vacuum Society.

International Vacuum Congress IVC-17/ICSS-13

It was decided at the ECM-88 meeting in San Francisco that this congress will be held in Stockholm, Sweden 2-6 July, 2007. The local host is the Swedish Vacuum Society, which will work closely with the Finnish Vacuum Society to ensure the maximum exposure in the Baltic area.

IUVSTA Scientific Workshops & Summer Schools 

These high level scientific Workshops are being organized by our Scientific Divisions on specially selected topics. Click above to view the list of scientific Workshops currently being offered by the Divisions. Will you participate?

IUVSTA Events Schedule

Click here to see the list of forthcoming conferences, meetings and workshops which are being organized, co-organized or endorsed by IUVSTA. Links to related society events are also given.

Forthcoming ECM's

Details of forthcoming Executive Council Meetings can be obtained by clicking here. When available, these details include the agenda, schedule of committee meetings, travel advice and accommodation arrangements. The 90th Executive Council Meeting will be held in Regensburg, Germany 8-10 March 2002. The 91st Executive Council Meeting will be held in Smolenice, Slovakia 13-15 September 2002. 

Obituary of Dr. Albertus Venema

Dr. Venema passed away in his sleep suddenly and unexpectedly on 6 October 2001. He was a Founder Member, and later was made an Honorary Member, of the IUVSTA. Dr. Venema was President from 1974 to 1977. He was a wonderful man and will be greatly missed by us all.

Closing Comments

We welcome further ideas on what you would like to see in your Bulletin. You can contact the Editor, Lars Westerberg, by e-mail at westerberg@tsl.uu.se


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