No. 153, January - June 2003

For the bulletin:

IUVSTA web site. The IUVSTA web site was moved from the AVS in New York to the Société Française du Vide (SFV) in Paris at the beginning of 2003. The web site had been re-done by the new webmaster, Hervé Lemoine, towards the end of 2002 and it was tested by the web editor before going on-line. The new web site was discussed in the Publications Committee meeting on 21 March 2003 in Beijing and the committee was very appreciative of the work done by Hervé Lemoine in developing the new site.

The discussion about future features to be added to the site included:

Names in the Directory now appear in several cells. It would be nice to have a vertical listing for a person as well, below the current one, to make it easy to paste the information into an address book or to print mailing addresses onto an envelope.
b. The minutes from previous ECMs and GMs will be transferred to the SFV site.
c. There is an alias list for officers, and others will be added.
d. We need to remind member societies to provide links to the IUVSTA site.

It was also decided that from now on, the Secretary of the Publications Committee should be responsible for the News Bulletin.