No. 154, July - December 2003


Scenic Dubrovnik

Blue sky and sea

Relaxation between meeting

Waiting the boat

Boats arrival

The Croatian Vacuum Society hosted ECM-93 in scenic Dubrovnik on September 19-21, 2003.

The excellent warm weather and clear blue sky and sea accounted for the large number of vacationers there and, consequently, the difficulty some attendees encountered in getting convenient flights to Dubrovnik (sometimes boats were used)!


However, the meeting facilities were excellent and everything went smoothly, thanks to the detailed arrangements made by Nikola Radic and his colleagues from the Croatian Vacuum Society.


On a picture on the right side of this page the publication committee chair person can be seen checking the attendees during the boat trip while the Italian Vacuum Society staff is looking after the best way to reach the next IVC meeting.

Nicolas Radic discussing with
MG Barthes Labrousse

Italian boarder preparing IVC

Croatian colleague explains
how to well organise the next
ECM meetings

ECM officers table
ECM attendees

ECM attendees

John Grant

Dubrovnik visit