No. 156, July - December 2004

Dear colleagues,

This is my first message as IUVSTA President since  I took this position during the last triennial congress at the end of June this year in Venice and I feel the need to acknowledge the retiring officers who have contributed so much in stirring the outstanding activities of our Union. First of all the Past President Phil Woodruff who spent  in the past years time and energy for making IUVSTA a body able to support science and technology in all the area covered by vacuum. A very special thanks must go to our retiring Secretary-General Bill Westwood who  ensured the efficient operation of the Union for many years - six as Secretary-General and to our Treasurer Hartmut Wahl  who made easy to spend money on the scientific and educational activities of the Union, but who at the same time kept under control the reserves. Massimo Sancrotti as Scientific Director run smoothly  all the scientific activities of the Union in the past triennium and made a great job  in organizing the IVC-16 in Venice. The Congress was extremely fruitful, in terms of scientific content, venue and organization. He will continue to be a part of the Executive Council for the next three years as Chairman of the Congress Planning Committee and I am grateful that we can profit of his great experience. I thank MG Barthes who had kept tight the reins of the Union during  this triennium and passed me a strengthened, full of activities organization. I will profit in the next triennium of her experience and wise advices in her role of Past President and I am sure I will have many other opportunities to thank her. 

In this first message I would like to emphasize some of the actions that will be undertake in the next months in order to reach the objectives that were illustrated in my inaugural statement I presented in occasion of the General Meeting. In particular I would like to point out the following incoming actions:

a) A standing committee which defines issues of common interest and identifies aims to achieve in the short and long term among the European vacuum societies will meet for the first time during the ECM 97 initiating an opportunity of regular discussions among the representatives of the European societies.

b)  During  ECM 97 there will be the first meeting of this triennium of the Scientific and Technical Directorate. The procedure for planning the IUVSTA workshops starts in this meeting.  I would like to ask  the Division chairs to disseminate this  information among their electoral college and the same time to bring to the attention of all the Vacuum Societies of the activities that can be sponsored and endorsed by our Union. The developing of the scientific activity is in the mission of the Union and being a successful  activity gives high visibility to the Union.

c) In the near future  we need to plan the venue and the organization of the Highlights Seminar Session which  this time will be in conjunction with the ECM 100, a special celebration for the Executive Council  which met 100 times from his foundation.

d) The area of educational activities is strategic for IUVSTA. During the ECM97 the Educational Committee will start a discussion aiming to identify the activities of the Union in this area.  We need to bring new ideas in,  to disseminate knowledge on Vacuum Sciences, Technique and Applications, focusing on new  areas and new groups of potentially interested people and to find new contacts in non-member countries, particularly in lesser developed countries, in order to achieve involvements  of individuals and societies in IUVSTA activities.

e) The awards policy which has been followed by IUVSTA in the last years to recognize and encourage outstanding internationally achievements in science and technology was very successful and offered a large visibility to the Union. However to maintain the prizes is necessary to find new donors. For completing the donation plan for the IUVSTA prize in Technology we need at least  5 donations of 5000 CHF to complete the second prize. I would like to encourage all the member Societies to find new donors in order to complete the Prize in Technology.

IUVSTA  need your cooperation and enthusiasm to complete all this actions but I feel confident that your support will be great and exciting , only with that I can guide IUVSTA fruitfully  in the next triennium.

My best wishes for the New Year

Ugo Valbusa, President

Genoa, December 31st 2004