Protocol for Decisions on Applications to host the

European Vacuum Conference.


  1. Applications shall be acceptable only when submitted in the name of one or more European Members of IUVSTA (Present European Members are listed in Schedule 1)
  2. EVC shall be held in alternate years, except for years when the International Vacuum Congress is held in Europe.
  3. Proposals in written form shall be considered at the first meeting of the Vacuum Science Division of IUVSTA in the calendar year three years before the year of the proposed EVC. Proposals should therefore be in the hands of the Divisional Secretary not less than two months before the date of that meeting.
  4. Proposals shall be as complete as possible, including details of location of the proposed meeting, rooms and facilities available at the conference venue, details of the exhibition area, accommodation available in the area (with price range), international travel details, etc. A preliminary budget, with suggested registration fees, etc., should also be supplied.
  5. The Committee of the VSD shall consider all the applications and approve all those which are technically acceptable. If there is more than one acceptable proposal, summary details (provided by the sponsors at the time of application) of all these shall be sent, together with a ballot paper, to European VSD Representatives (electoral college) not later than two months before the next VSD meeting. Divisional representatives will arrange that the ballot paper is completed by ranking the proposals in order of preference (1, 2, 3, etc.). The paper must be returned to the Secretary of the VSD before the start of the next VSD meeting.
  6. Proposers should note that the VSD has expressed a preference for EVC to run in parallel with a major national or international meeting.


Schedule 1

European Members (for this purpose) are the Vacuum Societies or Committees of:

Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine.