No. 156, July - December 2004

IUVSTA Activities July 2004 - January 2005

ECM-95 was held in Trento, Italy 25-27 June, 2004. It was hosted by the Italian Vacuum Society (http://fcs.itc.it/ECM95/homeECM.htm). One of the most important agenda items have been selection of the IVC-18 in 2010. But not only this! A lesson of good experimental physics was performed in the evening. 

International Vacuum Congress IVC-16/ICSS-12/NANO-8/AIV-17 was organized in Venice, Italy 28 June - 2 July 2004 in conjunction with NANO-8 and the AIV-17 annual Congress. The local host was the Italian Vacuum Society (AIV) (www.ivc16.org).

The congress has been opened on Monday morning with the Award ceremony and Plenary Lectures. More than 1500 papers had been submitted. Delegates had come from 55 countries, there were 1200 authors of whom 110 had been invited and 1400 delegates had attended. The sessions run in 11 parallel oral session and 4 posters sessions. A workshop on Science, Technology and Culture Heritage has been held in parallel as well as eleven short courses. 

A CD with History of IUVSTA have been produced and distributed at IVC-16. The history of IUVSTA, 1958-2001 written by Profs. Laffarty and Robins had been supplemented by Prof. Robins. The new version contains also the histories of National Vacuum Societies compiled by Prof. Robson. 

Oh! This looks like a meeting of IUVSTA presidents! Yes, this had happened! Who are this people? Are they all presidents? Who knows all their names? If you sent the names to Bulletin editor, you can win a CD with History of IUVSTA! 

Thursday, 29 June 2004 an STD Triennial Initiative on Technology Transfer has been held in Venice at IVC-16. 

IUVSTA General Meeting 15 has been held at Cinema Festival Palace, Venice, Italy on Wednesday, 30 June 2004. The General Meeting is the highest authority in the Union and it is being to held every three years. Dr. M.-G. Barthés-Labrouse formally transferred the Presidency of the Union to Prof. Ugo Valbusa. Officers for new triennium have been elected. President elect: Dr. J. W. Rogers. Secretary General: Dr. R. J. Reid, Treasurer: Prof. J. Grant, Scientific Director: Prof. M. C. Asensio and Scientific Secretary: Prof. H. J. Gao.

ECM-96 have been held in Venice, Italy on 2 July 2004 at the end of the Vacuum congress ICV-16. IUVSTA committees for next triennium have been formed. A venue for the ECM-98 was selected (Vienna, Austria - Europe).